Glossaire lexique textile français anglais allemand italien espagnol
accessoire pour l'habillement | apparel accessories |
accessoires | accessories |
agence de publicité | advertising agency |
articles chaussants | footwear |
Bermuda | Bermuda shorts |
Bermuda | Bermuda shorts |
bikini | bikini |
blouse | blouse |
body | body |
bouton | button |
broderie | embroidery |
cachemire | cashmere |
canadienne | fur lined jacket |
cardigan | cardigan |
chaussette | socks |
chemise de ville | city shirt |
chemisette | camisette |
chemisier | blouse |
collection automne hiver | autumn winter collection |
costume pour homme | a men's suit |
détaillant | retailor |
Ă©tiquette | label |
Ă©toffe | fabric |
exportations textiles | textile exports |
fabricant | manufacturer |
fabricant d'articles de marque | name manufacturer |
fabricant de tissu | cloth manufacturer |
fabricant de tissus | cloth producer |
fabrication de prĂȘt Ă porter | ready to wear manufacturing |
fabrique de tissu | cloth factory |
féminin | feminine |
femme | woman |
filature | spinning mill |
fournisseur | feed unit |
fourrure | fur |
fourrure prĂȘt Ă porter | ready to wear fur production |
gant | glove |
gilet | waistcoat |
grande taille | big size |
grossiste | wholesaler |
guépiÚre | waspie |
habillement | apparel |
habillement | clothes |
habit de protection | protective suit |
habit de soirée | coat tail |
homme | man |
imitation cuir | imitation leather |
importation textile | textile imports |
impression textile | cloth printing |
industrie de l'habillement | garment industry |
industrie textile | textile industry |
institut de la mode | fashion institute |
jeans | blue jeans trousers |
jeans | jeans |
jersey | jersey |
jupe | skirt |
layette | baby clothes |
linge de corps | body linen |
lingerie | undergarments |
lot | lot |
magasin de confection masculine et féminine | men's and woman's clothing shop |
magasin de vĂȘtements fĂ©minins | women garments shop |
maille | mesh |
maillot de bain | bathing suit |
maillot de corps | underwear vest |
manteau | coat |
manteau | coat |
marque | brand |
mode | Fashion |
mode masculine | men's fashion |
mode sport | fashion sport |
négoce en gros | merchant |
nouveauté de mode | fashion novelty |
pantalon | trousers |
panty | roll on panties |
prĂȘt Ă porter | ready to wear |
pull | pullover |
pull à col roulé | roll collar pullover |
pure laine | al wool |
pyjama | pyjama |
revue de mode | fashion magazine |
robe | dress |
sac | bag |
salon de la mode | fashion fair |
salopette | bib and brace overall |
soutien gorge | bra |
stock | stock |
string | string |
surchemise | shirt jacket |
tendance de la mode | fashion trend |
tenue de soirée | evening suit |
twin set | twin set |
velours | velvet |
veste coupe vent | anorak |
veste tricotée | cardigan jacket |
veston | jacket |
vĂȘtement | garment |
vĂȘtement boutonnĂ© | a button through dress |
vĂȘtement pour bĂ©bĂ© | baby clothes |
vĂȘtements | clothes |
vĂȘtements de plage | beach dress |
vĂȘtements habillĂ©s | ceremonial clothing |